
Woodtherapy Course Book Woodtherapyuk Woodtherapy UK operates as one of our foreign branches created by the prominent company Maderoterapia España. This subsidiary was created with the aim of bringing our teaching method to all corners of the UK. Welcome to Woodtherapy Uk! Known as Maderotherapy or Wood Therapy, is a technique for performing an intense, but non-invasive massage, using several wooden tools of different shapes and sizes. These wood instruments are designed to adapt to our body figure, having each one of them distinct purposes. This treatment provides numerous benefits for health and aesthetic purposes, promoting wellbeing to the patient. Woodtherapy What is Woodtherapy? As it is a non-invasive procedure it is possible to obtain extraordinary results as the wooden elements and the therapist's hands work together as one - this way this technique also ends up protecting the beautician's joints, since the pressures exerted are carried out by the tools. Through this natural method it is possible to help reduce stress levels, activate cell renewal, firm, tone, treat cellulite, reduce fat deposits, shape our body and relieve muscle pain. Since it ́ s regarded a holistic technique, it distinguishes by providing energetic stimulation and deep relaxation, acting on the body's chakras, promoting well-being and tranquillity, ensuring a perfect synergy between mind, body and spirit. 1 2 3 4 This treatment is aimed at patients who prefer to avoid procedures with aesthetic devices. Wood Therapy treatment within the wellness sector does not exist only with the purpose of helping the patient at a therapeutic level. As mentioned earlier, this technique also becomes a method that helps the therapist who performs the massage, since it reduces physical fatigue and avoids problems, such as joints contractures. In addition, it also prevents the beautician's hands from heating up, protecting them against energy blockages. The treatment consists of approximately 15 sessions, however, for this therapy to be whole, we remind you to inform the patient that it is important to complement it with a healthy diet and daily exercise. Nowadays, being a natural and non-invasive method used and applied in numerous aesthetic and beauty salons, often the main goal is to reaffirm and model the patient body figure. Each session lasts between 50 and 90 minutes depending on the needs of each patient and with a time of approximately 20 minutes for each area of the body. Wood Therapy sessions begin with a massage that allows you to prepare the skin and direct the accumulated body fat. Afterwards, the therapist must apply essential oils with reducing properties and massage the patient with the help of the wooden tools. In each wood therapy session, it is very important to identify the wooden utensils to be used, always depending on the treatment to be performed in each area of the patient body. We can ́t determine the precise date of the emergence of this technique, but there is evidence that thousands of years ago in Eastern cultures a wide variety of wooden utensils were used for therapeutic purposes. History of Wood Therapy We remind that in Eastern philosophy the theory of the five elements of nature prevails: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood - basic elements that represent the energy of nature (Qì), the vital energy. With them, various treatments for physical and mental recovery were performed, including treatments for muscle pain and energy imbalances. These materials were initially rustic and heavy, and although they helped, at the time of application they caused difficulties for those who applied them due to the shape and weight of the wood. Later, in the late 1990s, specialists from Colombia, after several years of study in the field of alternative therapies, gave new life to this ancient technique. They began to develop wooden instruments more suited to the anatomy of the body, allowing them to be used directly on the patient's skin with greater ease and comfort. Wood therapy in those times and presently consists of performing a massage using a variety of wooden utensils of different sizes and shapes, specially designed to adapt to the different areas of our bodies. For the Asian community, wood represents the primary force for living and growing. Likewise, wood had a great meaning for shamans of other cultures, as it was believed that trees are a life form of energy.


Terapija bl-injam Ktieb tal-Kors Woodtherapyuk Woodtherapy UK topera bħala waħda mill-fergħat barranin tagħna maħluqa mill-kumpanija prominenti Maderoterapia España. Din is-sussidjarja nħolqot bil-għan li ġġib tagħna metodu ta’ tagħlim għall-irkejjen kollha tar-Renju Unit. Merhba Woodtherapy Uk! Magħrufa bħala Maderotherapy jew Terapija tal-Injam, hija teknika biex twettaq ħidma intensa, iżda massaġġi mhux invażivi, bl-użu ta 'diversi għodod tal-injam ta' forom u daqsijiet differenti. Dawn l-istrumenti ta 'l-injam huma ddisinjati biex jadattaw għall-figura tal-ġisem tagħna, li kull wieħed minnhom minnhom skopijiet distinti. Dan it-trattament jipprovdi bosta benefiċċji għas-saħħa u skopijiet estetiċi, li jippromwovu l-benessri lill-pazjent. Terapija bl-injam X'inhu Woodtherapy? Peress li hija proċedura mhux invażiva huwa possibbli li tinkiseb riżultati straordinarji bħala l-elementi tal-injam u l- idejn terapista jaħdmu flimkien bħala waħda - b'dan il-mod dan it-teknika tispiċċa wkoll tipproteġi l-ġogi tal-beautician, peress li l-pressjonijiet eżerċitati huma mwettqa mill-għodda. Permezz ta 'dan il-metodu naturali huwa possibbli biex tgħin tnaqqas il-livelli ta' stress, jattiva t-tiġdid taċ-ċelluli, sod, ton, kura cellulite, tnaqqas id-depożiti tax-xaħam, forma tagħna ġisem u ittaffi l-uġigħ fil-muskoli.Peress li' s meqjusa teknika olistika, tiddistingwi billi tipprovdi stimulazzjoni enerġetika u rilassament profond, jaġixxu fuq chakras tal-ġisem, jippromwovu l-benessri u trankwillità, li tiżgura sinerġija perfetta bejn il-moħħ, ġisem u spirtu. 1 2 3 4 Dan it-trattament huwa mmirat għal pazjenti li jippreferu jevitaw proċeduri b'estetika apparat. It-trattament tat-terapija tal-injam fis-settur tal-benessri ma jeżistix biss bl-iskop ta tgħin lill-pazjent fi a livell terapewtiku. Kif issemma qabel, din it-teknika ssir ukoll metodu li jgħin lill- terapista li twettaq il-massaġġi, peress li jnaqqas l-għeja fiżika u jevita problemi, bħal contractures tal-ġogi. Barra minn hekk, huwa wkoll jipprevjeni l-idejn tal-beautician milli jisħnu, u jipproteġihom kontra l-imblukkar tal-enerġija. It-trattament jikkonsisti madwar 15-il sessjoni, madankollu, biex din it-terapija tkun sħiħa, infakkrukom biex tinfurmaw il-pazjent li huwa importanti li tikkumplimentaha b'dieta sana u eżerċizzju ta' kuljum. Illum il-ġurnata, huwa metodu naturali u mhux invażiv użat u applikat f'bosta estetika u salons tas-sbuħija, ħafna drabi l-għan ewlieni huwa li jafferma mill-ġdid u jimmudella l-figura tal-ġisem tal-pazjent. Kull sessjoni ddum bejn 50 u 90 minuta skond il-bżonnijiet ta' kull pazjent u b'ħin ta' madwar 20 minuta għal kull wieħed żona tal-ġisem.Is-sessjonijiet ta 'terapija ta' l-injam jibdew b'massaġġi li jippermettilek tipprepara l-ġilda u tidderieġi il-ġisem akkumulat xaħam. Wara, it-terapista għandu japplika żjut essenzjali bi proprjetajiet ta 'tnaqqis u massaġġi il-pazjent bl-għajnuna tal-għodda tal-injam. F'kull sessjoni ta 'terapija tal-injam, huwa importanti ħafna li jiġu identifikati l-utensili tal-injam li għandhom jintużaw, dejjem jiddependi fuq it-trattament li għandu jsir f'kull żona tal-ġisem tal-pazjent. Nistaw Ma tiddeterminax id-data preċiża tal-emerġenza ta 'din it-teknika, iżda hemm evidenza li eluf ta snin ilu fil-kulturi tal-Lvant varjetà wiesgħa ta 'utensili ta' l-injam kienu użati għal terapewtika skopijiet. Storja tat-terapija tal-injam Infakkru li fil-filosofija tal-Lvant tipprevali t-teorija tal-ħames elementi tan-natura: in-nar, art, metall, ilma, u l-injam - elementi bażiċi li jirrappreżentaw l-enerġija tan-natura (Qì), l-enerġija vitali. Magħhom saru diversi trattamenti għall-irkupru fiżiku u mentali, fosthom trattamenti għall-muskoli uġigħ u żbilanċi fl-enerġija. Dawn il-materjali kienu inizjalment rustic u tqal, u għalkemm għenu, fil-ħin ta applikazzjoni li kkawżaw diffikultajiet għal dawk li applikawhom minħabba l-għamla u l-piż tal-injam. Aktar tard, lejn l-aħħar tad-disgħinijiet, speċjalisti mill-Kolombja, wara diversi snin ta’ studju fil-qasam tal- terapiji alternattivi, ta ħajja ġdida lil din it-teknika antika.Huma bdew jiżviluppaw strumenti tal-injam aktar adattati għall-anatomija tal-ġisem, li jippermettu biex jintużaw direttament fuq il-ġilda tal-pazjent b'aktar faċilità u kumdità. Terapija ta 'l-injam f'dawk iż-żminijiet u bħalissa tikkonsisti fit-twettiq ta' massaġġi bl-użu ta 'varjetà ta' utensili tal-injam ta daqsijiet u forom differenti, iddisinjati apposta biex jadattaw għall-oqsma differenti ta 'ġisimna. Għall-komunità Ażjatika, l-injam jirrappreżenta l-forza primarja għall-għajxien u t-tkabbir. Bl-istess mod, injam kellu kbir tifsira għal shamans ta 'kulturi oħra, peress li kien maħsub li s-siġar huma forma ta' ħajja ta 'enerġija. | ¿Cómo utilizo la traducción de texto inglés-maltés?

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