
Método BS – Our Method Our method began in Spain, more specifically in Malaga, from there it spread to about 60 more cities in 10 countries. This method has been developed by Maderoterapia Spain through various experiments with models, applying different techniques in distinctive ways until finding the most suitable. These experiments have allowed us to perfect our technique in such a way that we are proud that the "Método BS" is our key signature with which we work when conducting our training. “Método BS” is a natural-non-invasive method, which means that for us the most important thing is to be very careful with the patient's body and know how to treat it with care. In our training course, future wood therapists are always told that they must know how to interpret the reactions that each body has with each stimulus and be very attentive, since not all bodies are the same and it is possible that some of them won ́t react the same as the rest. This is where our method differs – we apply this therapy while always observing the reactions of each body. Differently from our method, there is the standard "Clock Method". The difference between ours and the "Clock Method" , which in our opinion, should not be the most appropriate to follow or put into practice, it ́ s that it was verified that the "Clock Method" can create various bruises since it is based on working with the bodies following a method stipulated by time, treating all bodies the same way, without perceiving how each one reacts. Therefore, with the "Clock Method" it is not really given the time that each body needs to assimilate the treatment. Here, we share one example to see the difference: We have 2 people on a massage table: patient number 1 is someone who drinks water, eats correctly and exercises, that is, a patient that meets all the guidelines so that his lymphatic system starts to work at the time we start the procedure (estimated drain time is approximately 20 seconds). Patient number 2 does not drink water, has a poor diet, and does not exercise, which means that his lymphatic system will take twice, or even three times as long to drain as that of patient number 1 (estimated time of drainage is about 1 minute). If we apply one of our rollers (example) to both and we drain with the same exact time, probably on patient 1 we will create bruises, since his body does not need so much time to drain. With this said, it is essential to understand the patient body beforehand or at least see how it reacts as we apply the treatment. With these examples we have clearly seen why not to stick to a routine marked by time but rather to have a knowledge of each body and act accordingly. Not all people are the same and therefore cannot be treated in the same way. With our method, depending on the patient's body response, a work protocol and a different time will be applied with each person. In case you’re asking yourself how we interpret the reactions, that's simple, the therapist must create a connection with each patient, always communicating with them and explain a little bit of the procedure. Redness, spasms can be clear signs for the therapist, as well. We will now analyze the protocol to be followed, considering the different areas of the body in which we will apply this technique. It is very important to follow it step by step for better results.


Método BS - Il-Metodu Tagħna Il-metodu tagħna beda fi Spanja, aktar speċifikament f’Malaga, minn hemm infirex għal madwar 60 belt oħra f'10 pajjiżi. Dan il-metodu ġie żviluppat minn Maderoterapia Spanja permezz ta 'esperimenti varji ma' mudelli, li japplikaw tekniki differenti b’modi distintivi sakemm jinstab l-aktar adattat. Dawn l-esperimenti ppermettewna nipperfezzjonaw it-teknika tagħna b'tali mod li aħna kburin li l-"Método BS" huwa l-firma ewlenija tagħna li aħna xogħol meta nwettqu t-taħriġ tagħna. "Método BS" huwa metodu naturali mhux invażiv, li jfisser li għalina l- l-iktar ħaġa importanti hija li toqgħod attent ħafna mal-ġisem tal-pazjent u tkun taf kif tittrattaha b'attenzjoni. Fil-kors ta’ taħriġ tagħna, it-terapisti tal-injam futuri dejjem jiġu mgħarrfa li jridu tkun taf kif tinterpreta r-reazzjonijiet li kull korp ikollu ma kull stimolu u jkun attent ħafna, peress li mhux il-korpi kollha huma l-istess u huwa possibbli li xi wħud minnhom rebħu ma tirreaġixxix l-istess bħall-bqija. Dan huwa fejn il-metodu tagħna differenti - aħna napplikaw din it-terapija filwaqt li dejjem nosservaw ir-reazzjonijiet ta 'kull wieħed korp. B'mod differenti mill-metodu tagħna, hemm l-istandard "Arloġġ Metodu".Id-differenza bejn tagħna u l-"Metodu tal-Arloġġ" , li fl-opinjoni tag[na, m’g[andhiex tkun l-aktar xierqa g[alih issegwi jew poġġi fil-prattika, it ́ s li ġie vverifikat li l- "Metodu Arloġġ" jistgħu joħolqu tbenġil varji peress li hija bbażata fuq taħdem mal-korpi wara metodu stipulat minn ħin, jittrattaw il-korpi kollha bl-istess mod, mingħajr ma jipperċepixxi kif kull wieħed jirreaġixxi. Għalhekk, bil-"Metodu ta 'l-Arloġġ" mhuwiex verament mogħti l-ħin li kull wieħed korp jeħtieġ li jassimila t-trattament. Hawnhekk, naqsmu eżempju wieħed biex naraw id-differenza: Għandna 2 persuni fuq mejda tal-massaġġi: il-pazjent numru 1 huwa xi ħadd li jixrob l-ilma, jiekol b'mod korrett u eżerċizzji, jiġifieri, pazjent li jissodisfa l-linji gwida kollha sabiex is-sistema limfatika tiegħu tibda taħdem fil- ħin nibdew il proċedura (il-ħin stmat ta’ drain huwa madwar 20 sekonda). Il-pazjent numru 2 ma jixrobx ilma, għandu dieta ħażina, u ma jeżerċitax, li jfisser li limfatiku tiegħu sistema se tieħu darbtejn, jew saħansitra tliet darbiet aktar biex tixxotta minn dik tal-pazjent numru 1 (il-ħin stmat tad-drenaġġ huwa madwar minuta). Jekk napplikaw wieħed mir-rombli tagħna (eżempju) għat-tnejn u nixxotta bl-istess ħin eżatt, probabbilment fuq il-pazjent 1 aħna se joħolqu tbenġil, peress li l-ġisem tiegħu m'għandux bżonn tant ħin biex ixxotta.Ma 'dan qal, huwa essenzjali biex tifhem il- korp tal-pazjent minn qabel jew għall-inqas tara kif jirreaġixxi hekk kif napplikaw it-trattament. B’dawn l-eżempji rajna ċar għaliex ma nżommux ma’ rutina mmarkata biż-żmien imma pjuttost li jkollhom a għarfien ta’ kull korp u jaġixxi kif xieraq. Mhux in-nies kollha huma l-istess u għalhekk ma jistgħux jiġu ttrattati fil- bl-istess mod. Bil-metodu tagħna, skond ir-rispons tal-ġisem tal-pazjent, protokoll tax-xogħol u differenti se jiġi applikat ħin ma’ kull persuna. Fil-każ li qed tistaqsi lilek innifsek kif ninterpretaw ir-reazzjonijiet, dan huwa sempliċi, it-terapista għandu toħloq konnessjoni ma’ kull pazjent, dejjem jikkomunika magħhom u spjega ftit tal-proċedura. Ħmura, spażmi jistgħu ikunu sinjali ċari għat-terapista, ukoll. Issa se nanalizzaw il-protokoll li għandu jiġi segwit, meta jitqiesu l-oqsma differenti tal- korp li fih se napplikaw din it-teknika. Huwa importanti ħafna li ssegwi pass pass għal riżultati aħjar. | ¿Cómo utilizo la traducción de texto inglés-maltés?

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