
BOARD - Upward movements (gluteal area) - Side slides movements (inner zone) MUSHROOM - Rotational upward movements - Successive upward rotational movements Glutes In our method we emphasize that in the glute area for better and visible results, while using the Swedish cup: 1o Contract the gluteus - hold and on the gluteal fold we perform successive ascending frictions with the swedish cup 2o Relax the gluteus - upward movements with suction Note:Remember that in such a sensitive area, every patient must be comfortable. The therapist can explain before the procedure, so that the patient feels relaxed and secure while the therapist performs these movements. MAZORCA ROLLER - Upward movements - Upward Circular movements Abdomen, Waist, Flanks and Arms CUBE ROLLER - Upward Zigzag movements - Circular movements - Upward diagonal movements - Side friction movements IMPORTANT: Pay attention to bone structures (ribs and iliacus muscle) The patience can help while delimiting those important areas with their hands. BOARD - Upward movements - Upward side slide movements MUSHROOM - Rotational upward movements BOARD - Upward movements - Upward side slide movements SWEDISH CUP - Upward movements - Quick rubs movement BOARD - Upward movements - Side slides movements It is important to mention that in case we need to perform this technique in the arms, we can work abdomen and arms (example), since both areas are more sensitive and must be worked carefully and with great care. It is as well applied for 60 minutes - manual lymphatic drainage, wood therapy and final massage. Note: If the therapist does not master lymphatic drainage, she/he may opt for a relaxing massage. Face - Wood Therapy As for Facial Wood Therapy, it also lasts 60 minutes. But as in the previous cases, we must as well distribute this time with: 1o Facial cleansing 2o Wood therapy with essential oils 3o Final relaxing massage 1 1 With smooth and lateral movements, we use the mazorca roller over cheekbones, chin, jaw, lower eye area, forehead. Mazorca Roller 1 With smooth and lateral movements, we use the smooth roller pro over cheekbones, chin, jaw, lower eye area, forehead. Smooth Roller Pro 1 Apply ascending and successive movements from the chin area to the edges of the jaw and from the cheekbones to the lateral sides of the face. Board 1 With this tool we proceed with circular and ascending movements on the lateral lines of the face: cheekbones, double chin, jaw, neck. Mushroom 1 Apply lateral movements with suction effect from the cheekbones to the lateral sides of our face. Swedish Cup 1 We start with upward and lateral movements on our facial expression lines. Smooth Roller


BORD - Movimenti 'l fuq (żona gluteali) - Movimenti tal-pjastri tal-ġnub (żona ta' ġewwa) Faqqiegħ - Movimenti rotazzjonali 'l fuq - Movimenti rotazzjonali suċċessivi 'l fuq Glutes Fil-metodu tagħna aħna nenfasizzaw li fiż-żona glute għall-aħjar u riżultati viżibbli, waqt li tuża t-tazza Żvediża: 1o Kuntratta l-gluteus - żomm u fuq it-tinja gluteali nagħmlu axxendenti suċċessivi frizzjonijiet mal- tazza Svediż 2o Irrilassa l-gluteus - movimenti 'l fuq bil-ġbid Nota: Ftakar li f'żona daqshekk sensittiva, kull pazjent għandu jkun komdu. It-terapista jista 'jispjega qabel il-proċedura, sabiex il-pazjent iħossu rilassat u sigur waqt li t-terapista jwettaq dawn il-movimenti. MAZORCA ROLLER - Movimenti 'l fuq - Movimenti Ċirkolari 'l fuq Addomen, qadd, Ġnub u Armi KUBU ROLLER - Movimenti Żigżag 'l fuq - Movimenti ċirkolari - Movimenti djagonali 'l fuq - Movimenti tal-frizzjoni tal-ġenb IMPORTANTI: Oqgħod attent għall-istrutturi tal-għadam (kustilji u muskolu iljaku) Il-paċenzja tista 'tgħin filwaqt li tiddelimita dawk l-oqsma importanti b'idejhom.BORD - Movimenti 'l fuq - Movimenti 'l fuq tal-ġenb tal-pjastra Faqqiegħ - Movimenti rotazzjonali 'l fuq BORD - Movimenti 'l fuq - Movimenti 'l fuq tal-ġenb tal-pjastra TAZZA SVEZJA - Movimenti 'l fuq - Moviment ta 'togħrok malajr BORD - Movimenti 'l fuq - Movimenti tal-pjastri tal-ġenb Huwa importanti li nsemmu li f'każ li jkollna bżonn inwettqu din it-teknika fl-armi, nistgħu addome xogħol u l-armi (eżempju), peress li ż-żewġ żoni huma aktar sensittivi u għandhom jinħadmu bir-reqqa u b'attenzjoni kbira. Huwa applikat ukoll għal 60 minuta - drenaġġ limfatiku manwali, terapija bl-injam u finali massaġġi. Nota: Jekk it-terapista ma jaħdimx id-drenaġġ limfatiku, hi/hu jista' jagħżel li jirrilassaw massaġġi. Wiċċ - Terapija tal-Injam Fir-rigward tal-Facial Wood Therapy, iddum ukoll 60 minuta. Imma bħal fil-każijiet preċedenti, irridu bħala qassam tajjeb dan iż-żmien ma': 1o Tindif tal-wiċċ 2o Terapija tal-injam biż-żjut essenzjali 3o Massaġġi finali rilassanti 1 1 B'movimenti bla xkiel u laterali, nużaw ir-roller mazorca fuq il-ħaddejn, il-geddum, xedaq, żona t'isfel tal-għajnejn, forehead. Mazorca Roller 1 B'movimenti bla xkiel u laterali, nużaw ir-roller lixx pro fuq cheekbones, geddum, xedaq, żona t'isfel tal-għajnejn, forehead. Smooth Roller Pro 1 Applika movimenti axxendenti u suċċessivi miż-żona tal-geddum għat-truf tax-xedaq u mill-ħaddejn għall-ġnub laterali tal-wiċċ.Bord 1 B'din l-għodda nipproċedu b'movimenti ċirkolari u axxendenti fuq il-linji laterali ta ' il-wiċċ: cheekbones, double chin, xedaq, għonq. Faqqiegħ 1 Applika movimenti laterali b'effett ta 'ġbid mill-ħaddejn għall-ġnub laterali ta' wiċċna. Tazza Żvediża 1 Nibdew b'movimenti 'l fuq u laterali fuq il-linji tal-espressjoni tal-wiċċ tagħna. Roller lixx | ¿Cómo utilizo la traducción de texto inglés-maltés?

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